Susan Pomelear Harker -
Marlton, NJ
- Married Bill Harker in June 1970 (sadly he died in 1997 just
2 months after his 48th birthday).
- Earned my cosmetology license and managed a salon where I
earned a cruise to the Bahamas and a nine day trip to Hong Kong.
- Owned and operated my own salon for four years until a brain
aneurysm brought my career to a close.
- Raised three wonderful daughters and walked each down the
aisle in Bill's absence
- Enjoying every single minute of life.
- Loving 5 beautiful grandchildren: Alex, Juliet, Ryder,
Marcello and Rowen.
- Getting away with pranks in Mr. Lux's class. He loved me
and Sally Huntley. (I am sorry that some of our antics got
some boys a detention).
- Making a tree for "Springtime".
- Senior year LOCKERS!!
- Being THE Bison (did anyone know that?).
- To keep enjoying life . . . it is so precious and
way too short.
- To impart as much wisdom to my grands, without
seeming to be an old lady.